Saturday, February 9, 2008

Photos of J.J. Turner

Here is an undated photo.

[1904] J.J. Turner at the Waterville Fair. At the time he was the superintendent of Casco Castle Park.

Zoomed-in shot of the previous photo.

Zoomed-in shot of the previous photo.

[July 15, 1903] J.J. Turner standing in one of the gardens on the grounds of Casco Castle Park.

Zoomed-in shot of the previous photo.

Zoomed-in shot of the previous photo.

Undated photo of J.J. Turner. Since he looks pretty old in this photo it was probably taken in the mid 1930's. He died in 1937.

Back of the previous photo. I'm not sure whose handwriting that is.

Zoomed-in shot of the garden photo.

Zoomed-in shot of the previous photo. It looks like he had a glass eye (see his right eye). I first noticed this in the Waterville Fair photo (see above). I wonder if it had to do with his Spanish-American War service?


Mark Weber said...

Hey, Dave. Looks good. Will read and get back to you.

Mark Weber said...

Looks like good looks runs in the family. You really resemble him a lot.